Thursday, May 31, 2007

Bumbo time

Since both the babies have been holding their heads up so well, I decided to try and put them in the Bumbo seats that Sandi and Leroy Shea got them as a baby gift. They seem to enjoy them; it holds them up and you can almost trick Keira into thinking someone is holding her.

Bumbo time

Monday, May 28, 2007

Parade time

Megan's girl scout troop walked in the Memorial Day parade. They got to throw candy to the spectators and enjoy the 80 degree weather.


Sunday, May 27, 2007

Colleen's graduation party

We hopped in the van and took our first road trip with the fam to Peoria. I was concerned how the trip would go with two babies and 3 hours in the car. But lo and behold all went great. There were no crabbys by anyone. Megan got to ride in the front seat, Max rode with Mingma and Papa and Mommy had the whole back seat to sprawl out. We got to visit with Aunts and Uncles Tom & Cindy, Dan & Mary, and Rick & Mary. It also was a great day to share the baby holdings.

Graduation party

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Sparkling Keira

Well since we knew that the requirement for ear piercing was to have your 2 month shots, we figured since Keira had hers this morning, it was time to get the ears done. When Daddy got home from work, we headed out to Gurnee Mills and went to Claires to have the sparklies put in. Daddy held her face out for them to shoot her ears. They did each ear separately and she cried, but as soon as the 2nd one was done, Daddy turned her around and cuddled her and all was good again.

2 month appointment

It is shot time for the babies, how fun. A team of nurses came in, swept up the babies, and poked them full of holes. They cried, but got over it really quickly. They both were 22 inches long, Connor weighed in at 8 pounds 6 ounces, and Keira weighed in at a hefty 8 pounds 11 ounces. She not only caught up to Connor, she passed him by. I guess it must be those late night feedings that she demands. Connor on the other hand has been sleeping through the night for a couple weeks now. That is a boy that takes after his Mommy. Sleep comes before eats.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Visiting Darla and family

The kiddies and I hopped in the van to visit Darla and to see her new baby Ava. I can hardly call her a baby; when she was born she weighed 9 pounds 8 ounces. (neither one of my babies are even at that weight yet) :) The bigger kids enjoyed playing with Clayton, Kenneth and Tristan. I was just comparing leg sizes between Keira and Ava.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Happy Birthday Mommy!

Mommy celebrated her 32nd birthday this, my, where did the time go? :) We spent the day shopping so Mommy could find a gift she wanted. She got a pink Nintendo DS and some games. The only time she has to play it is after everyone is in bed. I guess that is her quiet time. Mommy and Daddy went out by themselves to dinner and left us kiddies with Mingma and Papa.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Happy Mothers Day, Love Max

Each year the preschool class puts on a little show and sings to the mothers and grandmothers. After the singing is over, the kids are supposed to treat them with ice cream sundaes. It always ends up with the mothers making their own and their child's sundae, though. The show is always a cute one. Max was a quiet singer and kind of just followed along the other kids.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Megan's First Communion

After months of studying and taste testing the bread and wine, it all comes down to this day. Finally Megan can open her hands and receive communion with Daddy. Max still asks why he doesn't get to eat chips too. We all went back to Mingma and Papa's house to eat again and to be social.

First Communion

Friday, May 4, 2007


We had a gathering of friends and family for the baptism of Keira and Connor. Uncle Phil and Aunt Katie are the pround godparents. We then went to Mingma and Papa's house for food and so the cousins could play some more.


Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Picture day

We got adventurous and rounded all the troops up for family photos. It actually didn't go to bad. We saw lots of smiles and the occasional crabbys. We were fortunate that there were no other appointments after ours, so we had lots of time with the photographer. They even took the kids and did some special fairy shots that turned out really cute.

Portraits May 2007

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Shea Day

The excitement of the arrival of the Shea Clan from Seattle is like waiting for the 17 year cicadas to emerge from the ground. Max and Megan keep asking what day will they be here, and when can we see Claire and baby Maddie. They love their cousins.

Shea Day