It was time for the traditional corn maze and hayride for Megan's girl scout troop. We decided this year to make this a full family outing too. How brave of us. It was a brisk day in the 60's and the mosquitos were horrible, but other than that. I think most of us had a good time. Keira, of course, was in need of another nap, but she had fun running around the animals. The twins passed out before we even left the driveway to head home.
After we came home and got situated, it was off we went again. Max and Megan had a birthday party to go to for a friend of Megan's. This party included not just one bouncy thing, but four of them. The one was a blow up pool with hand powered paddle boats in it. It was quite cool. The parents also own one of those rental/entertainment places too. The twins had fun in one of the bouncy houses too, when we picked up the real children.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Girl scout corn maze & hay ride
Posted by Bill, Heidi, plus all the kids at 7:59 PM 1 comments
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Daddy time
Bill got a taste of the Mommy life this weekend, and apparently handled it quite well. I worked Friday, Saturday and Sunday this weekend and he had the tasks of packing up all the children and running them around to numerous locations. Max and Megan had open gym on Friday night that he had to get them to and pick them up from. On Sunday, Max had a birthday party to attend at Chuck E Cheese's where he dropped off Max, Megan, and her friend Hailey. After he picked them all up, he ventured out to the mall with all of them and I was very impressed he handled it. Way to go Daddy!!! Woohooo!!! Now he knows how it is for all of us Mommys!!
Posted by Bill, Heidi, plus all the kids at 8:27 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
18 month check up
I took the twins in for their 18 month check up and...
Connor - 32 inches tall and in the 25% for height, and 24 pounds fat and in the 50% for weight. He is finally measuring up to a real boy :)
Keira - 32 inches tall and in the 50% for height, and 25 pounds fat and in the 75% for weight. Once she passed him up, she hasn't let up :)
Posted by Bill, Heidi, plus all the kids at 4:42 PM 2 comments
Sunday, September 14, 2008
18 month pictures

Where oh where has the time gone??? This week the twins will be 18 months and I figured it was time to get some pictures taken again. Connor absolutely hates it!! After the first couple of pictures are taken, he starts freaking out and does not like the flash. Keira puts on her serious face and will not smile. Here are some shots from today.
Posted by Bill, Heidi, plus all the kids at 6:52 PM 2 comments
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Happy Birthday Maddie!!!
We want to send a BIG Happy Birthday out to Maddie!!!!!!!!! We wish we could have been there to help you celebrate the big 2. We all hope that Auntie Heidi did a fine job of picking out goodies from the girls favorite store :)
Happy birthday and smoochies from all of us!!!!!!!!
Posted by Bill, Heidi, plus all the kids at 6:45 PM 1 comments
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Family time - bowling
We decided to venture out with all the kids and go bowling. It was quite interesting. Connor wanted to pick up all the 10 pound and under balls and drop them on the floor.. Keira enjoyed the swingy chairs at the tables. The "real" children put up a fight on the lanes. Mommy started off with an excellent lead the first game, but then choked and Daddy had a come from behind victory.
Posted by Bill, Heidi, plus all the kids at 6:32 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Well after 12 years of marriage, attending the Catholic Church on a somewhat regular basis, and sending my kiddies to Catholic school... I knew it was time for me to not only do this for myself, but also my family and take the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults class to become a true part of the Catholic family. I kept putting it off because I never could find the time to do it. I figured since Max is going to kindergarten and learning about the religion, I should also do the same. Maybe we can compare notes :)
Posted by Bill, Heidi, plus all the kids at 6:25 PM 4 comments
Monday, September 1, 2008
Labor Day Parade
It was time for the traditional 2 hour Zion Labor Day parade. Megan couldn't decide if she wanted to walk with her girl scout troop or her school but decided last minute to walk with her school. Max would rather collect the candy than hand it out. Maybe next year he can walk with the school, too. You gotta love the shopping cart in the parade too...that's the way to go grocery shopping!
Posted by Bill, Heidi, plus all the kids at 9:12 AM 1 comments