Monday, June 22, 2009

T-ball time

Once again Max is playing T-ball with the park district. His team is called the Blue Swords. He is getting pretty good this year. Next year he will be ready for the real thing. Now I just got to get some pictures of him actually playing.. Kind of hard when one twin goes one way and the other one goes the other way.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Congrats on your new belts, Max and Megan!

Max received his yellow belt in Tae Kwon Do and Megan received her green belt. They both did very well and we are all proud of their accomplishments. Here are some pics of the evening.
And yes, that is Bill that Megan is attacking.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Megan's horse ranch

Megan's girl scout troop went to Oregon, Illinois over the weekend for a horse ranch experience. This trip was paid for from all of their girl scout cookie sales. Not too bad!! She got to ride horses, sleep in (prison) bunks and eat (prison) food. They enjoyed campfires, swimming and meeting new friends. She even rode a horse named Megan :)

White Pines Ranch

Here are some pics that Megan took during her stay.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Congratulations on your Blue belt, Daddy!

Congratulations are in order for Bill, who obtained his blue belt this week in Tae Kwon Do. Way to go!!! Megan and Max were both there to cheer him on to victory. Max tests for his yellow belt on Monday and Megan tests for her Green. Woohooo go go go !!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Happy Anniversary!!

13 years ago today, seems soooooo long ago. I am so glad this little youngin' tied the knot to her main squeeze :) Happy anniversary baby!! I love you!

Max's graduation

Max had his big ceremony today for graduating kindergarten. The whole class sang songs and were all presented with their diplomas welcoming them to the first grade.
After his graduation, we poked our heads in Megan's classroom and they were all "cleaning" the desks with shaving cream. It was a preschool flashback, but it looks like they had a good time.