Friday, July 4, 2008

Vacation in da UP... take 3 Happy 4th

Once all the drunken fire sitters woke up, it was time for bloody marys, and the concoction of wopatoolies. This all started about 10 a.m. and lasted throughout the day.
We went tubing on the Menominee River again this year, and didn't incounter any rain, just about 70 other tubers. It was the most traffic I have ever seen on the river, and I have been doing this for close to 30 years. OMG did I just say that (30 years).
There were probably about 30+ people at camp enjoying themselves in one way or another. The menfolk were all playing either bocce ball or horseshoes and the ladiefolk were all eating, drinking, chattin' or trying to figure out which way a twin went.
The twins went to bed early from a big day of festivites, but that all changed once Daddy and Andy started letting off fireworks. They were wide awake in the camper and they were not too sure about the big booms. They both put on a great fireworks display and Max and Megan enjoyed their sparklers :)