Friday, January 23, 2009

Still alive and kicking...

We survived the deep freeze of '09. It has just been such a hectic week. Lets just do a recap.
Sunday - 9 am mass, donut Sunday, birthday party for Max and Megan to attend
Monday - Work all day and RCIA all night- Tae Kwon Do for Bill and Megan
Tuesday - House able chores by day (laundry), Girl scouts by night, also had to fit in picking up stuff at mom's and visiting my friend and her new baby that came home from hospital and grocery shopping
Wednesday - Work day - Tae Kwon Do for Megan. Bill had 20/20 committee meeting at church.
Thursday - Finish more house able chores that I didn't finish on Tuesday during the day. Megan and I volunteered at a local soup kitchen at night.
Friday - Work day - Volunteering at open gym at school providing a movie and popcorn and supervision at night
Saturday - Max and Megan both have birthday parties to attend. Of course both are at separate times and separate places.. Tomorrow should be fun, especially if I have to work too :) Bill will have to put on the SuperMom Cape and Brassiere on his head to survive.


Anonymous said...

I'd like to see a picture of Bill in his SuperMom costume...