Monday, August 25, 2008

First Day of School

Today was a big day for Max; he started kindergarten. He looked so cute in his little uniform and he was so excited to be like his big 4th grade sister Megan. He hangs on her every word when it comes to the things to do at school (if only that happened for all their conversations). He begged to make his lunch for tomorrow and was ready to go to bed at 7:00 tonight so he could be well rested and ready to do it all again tomorrow. Hopefully this excitement lasts and lasts.
Megan was also excited to see all her friends again and share their summer adventures. She really seems to like her teacher already and can't wait to go back tomorrow.

The twins are hoping the school year'll be so bright, they'll have to wear shades.


Katie said...

Congrats on your first day of school, Max! Hope you and Megan have a great year. Megs - love the new hairdo!

Beth said...

Lookin' good kids! Have a great year in 4th grade and K!!! And the twins are looking just too cool for words.