Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Keira and Connor!!!

Today, Keira and Connor both celebrate the big ONE. Talk about where did the time go? It seems just like yesterday that I was burping one and feeding the other. I am so glad that they can self feed now :) I will post some pics up later on of them enjoying their cake ( and hopefully eating it too).

***The twins still haven't opened all of their presents. They definitely loved the balloons that Mingma and Papa got them. They are still trying to figure out the car that Aunt Katie got them. When you place Connor in the drivers seat, he kind of slides right out under the wheels. Keira loved being pushed around by her big sib's.

When it came to the cake... Connor was all about the cake, Keira on the other hand, was all ladylike and petite. Picking at it with her fingers and not making a mess. As you can see from the pictures, that just wasn't the case for Connor.


Phil & Katie said...

Happy Birthday!!! We sure wish we could give you both a big old hug!

Beth said...

Happy birthday, Connor and Keira!!! Can't believe you two are getting to be so big! Enjoy your cake! :)

Beth said...

OMG!!! Those are priceless! The one of Connor two-fistin' his cake made me laugh out loud!! So glad they had a great birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Keira and Connor. Noah thanks you very much for the nice clothes.

April Enger (Kirk)